ISLAM - Creator of the Modern Age by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 111

Islam Creator of the Modern Age
3. Muslim Contribution to Science
~ 111 ~
The Greek medicine which was brought into being
by certain individuals (effort was all at the
individual level, as the community did not give it
general recognition) remained hidden away in
obscure books for about one thousand years after its
birth. It was only when these books were translated
into Arabic during the Abbasid period (750-1258),
and edited by the Arabs with their own original
additions, that it became possible for this science to
find its way to Europe, thus paving the way for
modern medical science.
The reason for this is that before the Islamic
revolution, the world had been swept by
superstitious beliefs and idolatry. The environment
in those times was so unfavourable that whenever
an individual undertook any academic or scientific
research, he could never be certain of receiving
encouragement. More often than not, he had to face
severe antagonism. Indeed, whenever any scientific
endeavour at the individual level came to the notice
of the authorities, it would be promptly and
rigorously suppressed. In a situation where diseases
and their remedies were traditionally linked with
gods and goddesses, what appeal could the
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